Glacier 2022 - Day 6
2022-11-19 | 5 min read

During the night I awoke with rain hitting my face. We were camping without the rain fly even though the weather on my GPS said 5% chance of rain. I quickly jumped outside and pulled the rain fly onto the tent. It rained for about 15 minutes and then stopped. When we woke up in the morning the rain fly was dry and it was as if it hadn’t rained at all. Getting up we went about o…
Glacier 2022 - Day 5
2022-11-15 | 3 min read

As the day started up, so did we. There wasn’t a lot of ground to cover today, but we liked getting to our campsites early so we could rest and hit the water if we wanted. We packed up our packs and headed over to the food area for breakfast. No grizzly was seen this morning, much to our relief. We did, however, see some deer. They ran up about 20 feet away, peered at us for a …
Glacier 2022 - Day 4
2022-11-05 | 3 min read

During the night I woke up and gazed at the stars. The sky was so dark and light pollution so far away that we could see a lot of stars. Some stars you could only see by looking at a different star and then noticing twinkling little dots around it. I gazed around for 20–30 minutes just taking everything in before heading back to sleep. As the sun rose we turned over in our slee…
Glacier 2022 - Day 3
2022-10-29 | 4 min read

Today we woke up in a dry tent. We were excited because the trail ahead was supposed to be relatively flat, and tomorrow is a day with no hiking. We packed up our tent quickly and ate our breakfast. I had pop-tarts and a waffle. After a quick stop to fill up our water we were on our way. We made quick progress and soon met a Ranger. She chatted with us and s…
Glacier 2022 - Day 2
2022-10-22 | 5 min read

We woke up to a wet tent — thankfully it was only on the outside of the rainfly. It had rained off and on all night, but when we woke up it wasn’t raining. When we looked outside we could see the sun, though it was still quite cold. We packed up our gear and draped the rain fly over some trees to try and dry it off. The campsite was in the shadow of a mountain so unfortunately the sun didn’t dry t…