Beartooths 2023 - Day 1
2024-04-27 | 4 min read

We woke up at five at our friend's house in Billings. We had packed everything into the car the night before, so we changed into our hiking clothes, ate a quick breakfast, and headed out. It was a 2-and-a-half-hour drive to the trailhead, and we made good time. The last portion of the road was on the Beartooth Highway, which was beautiful. We pulled into the Island Lake hiking …
Beartooths 2023
2024-04-20 | 1 min read

Living in Montana means having an endless wishlist of backpacking trips. One such trip is backpacking in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, often referred to as the Beartooths. The pinnacle of the area is a trail called “The Beaten Path,” spanning roughly 26 miles point-to-point across the wilderness. In 2023, Logan and I had the opportunity to hike through the Beartooths, with…
Glacier 2022 - Day 9
2022-12-28 | 4 min read

In the early evening, after turning in the for the night, we could hear some rustling in the woods. A small trail ran near our tent to get to other campsites. I heard what I think was a bear walk by — the snorts from their nose and the faint sound of their paws on the ground coupled with hearing another camper yell “get out of here bear” several minutes later confirmed it. Other than that we had a…
Glacier 2022 - Day 8
2022-12-06 | 4 min read

We woke up to the sound of others getting their breakfast. We got up and packed our gear away quickly — not because we were in a hurry, but because after 8 days on the trail we know just what we need to do and how to do it efficiently. After packing our gear up we went over to grab breakfast before heading out on the trail. We wanted t…
Glacier 2022 - Day 7
2022-11-27 | 4 min read

We started out today early since we had a lot of uphill and we wanted to do it before it got too hot outside. The GPS weather was saying it would be in the 80s today and we wanted to avoid that. We quickly packed up our gear before grabbing breakfast and heading out. The sun was out already, but the valley we were in was still cool and shaded by the mountains. We hiked along th…